Termites are particularly troublesome pests as they can cause serious damage to your home or workplace. Termites form colonies in the soil all around us and stay underground most of the time. They feed on anything containing cellulose like trees, houses, fences or sheetrock. Since they need to maintain contact with the soil, damage to houses is usually more visible in the lower levels. In the spring, the colony makes reproductive termites whose function is to leave the colony in a swarm to try and mate and get back underground. These “swarmers” are small, black, have wings, and most resemble flying ants. During the swarm, the termites break off their wings to try and mate. Termite workers, on the other hand, are small, pale colored and without wings. Take termite treatment services in your home and get protection from termites.
No worries; contact Service Ideal ASR Corporation for a healthy, clean environment free from pests in your home. Be it cockroaches, bedbugs, rats, or termites, Our experts will make sure that they do not bother you anymore. If you are looking for a pest control company in Indore, then just call us. Trust us once for Termite Control Service in Indore.
These guys colonize wood above the ground, that is trees. They don’t need contact with the soil to survive. Found extensively in urban areas, they miss the trees that once occupied your housing colonies. Deprived of food, they live under your foundation, eat through the foundation and your walls and then proceed to destroy your furniture and precious belongings, from art to books to wooden antiques. Again, termite prevention becomes your first priority!
Termite larvae are formed within a few weeks of the laying of eggs and they are taken care of and nourished by worker termites, they are the same size as the eggs. Like other insects, they also go through a melting phase where they shed their own skin.
Springtime is the perfect time for subterranean termites to swarm. Damp wood and Dry wood termites like warm weather for swarming.
Homeowners first detect termites when they see the winged termites on their doors or windows. They look just like ants except for some key differences. Ants have thin torsos whereas termites do not. Ants have antennaes that are at a 90 degree angle whereas termites have antennaes that are totally straight. Termites have four wings of the same size.
Rain increases the swarming of Termites.
दीमक विशेष रूप से परेशान करने वाले कीट हैं क्योंकि वे आपके घर या कार्यस्थल को गंभीर नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं, दीमक हमारे चारों ओर मिट्टी में उपनिवेश बनाते हैं और अधिकांश समय भूमिगत रहते हैं। वे पेड़, घर, बाड़ या शीटरॉक जैसी किसी भी चीज़ पर भोजन करते हैं जिसमें सेलूलोज़ होता है। चूंकि उन्हें मिट्टी के साथ संपर्क बनाए रखने की आवश्यकता होती है, घरों को नुकसान आमतौर पर निचले स्तरों में अधिक दिखाई देता है। वसंत ऋतु में कॉलोनी प्रजनन दीमक बनाती है जिसका कार्य कॉलोनी को एक झुंड में छोड़ने की कोशिश करने और संभोग करने और वापस भूमिगत होने के लिए है। ये “स्वार्मर” छोटे, काले होते हैं और इनके पंख होते हैं और ये उड़ने वाली चींटियों के समान होते हैं। झुंड के दौरान दीमक कोशिश करने और संभोग करने के लिए अपने पंख तोड़ देते हैं। दूसरी ओर, दीमक कार्यकर्ता छोटे, हल्के रंग के और पंखों के बिना होते हैं।
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