Ideal Asr Corporation

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Flies Spread Diseases

Flies have breeding and feeding habits. Bacteria flies usually eat, stick to their mouthparts, and fly footpaths eventually spread to places where there is dirt. Imagine if it is open food that you are about to eat. And flies come and sit on it. So the house spread a variety of diseases including salmonella, dysentery, tuberculosis, cholera and parasitic worms. In India, there is a high risk of disease transmission through flies.

Types of Cockroaches –

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House Fly (Musca Domestic)

Most common types of house fly in a Indian household. They are more popular as carriers of diseases. House flies can survive in any environment to grow to large numbers.

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Bluebottle Fly (Caliphora Vomitoria )

This house fly has another name, Blow fly. Usually you can see it hovering on dustbins. They feed on pet faeces and dead animals. Their name evokes fear because their bodies harbour disease causing organisms.

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Fruit Fly (Drosophila Species)

As the name suggests, the favorite food of fruit fly is fruits and fermenting residue places. Even this winged creature find mention among the common types of house fly in India.

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Drain Fly (Psychodidae)

The title indicates their survival patterns. Their other names are sewage fly, moth fly and drain fly. They usually lay eggs on sewage and drainage beds. Their larvae feed on drainage.

मक्खियो को प्रजनन और भोजन की आदतें होती है । बैक्टीरिया मक्खियाँ आमतौर पर खाती हैं, उनके मुँह के हिस्सों पर चिपक जाती हैं और मक्खियाँ फ़ुटपाथ अंततः उन जगहों पर फैल जाती हैं जहाँ गंदगी होती हैं। सोचिए अगर यह खुला हुआ खाना है जिसे आप खाने वाले हैं। और उस पर मक्खियाँ आकर बैठ जाये | तो घर में साल्मोनेला, पेचिश, तपेदिक, हैजा और परजीवी कृमियों सहित कई तरह की बीमारियाँ फैलाती हैं। भारत में, मक्खियों के माध्यम से रोग संचरण का उच्च जोखिम है।